D O C U M E N T S 3 2 4 , 3 2 5 N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 8 3 1 3 if Hilbert’s illness didn’t lend a tragic side to this matter, I would find this ink-war one of the funniest and most successful farces that deadly serious people have ever played out before my eyes.— To the point, I would like only to remark that in my opinion less painful means might have been used against the somewhat mad Brouwer’s excessive influence on the leadership of the Annalen than excluding him from the editorial staff. But I say this to you only in private, and have no intention of throwing still another paper lance as a combatant in this battle[3] between frogs and mice.[4]— I am enclosing a transcript of the letter that I wrote with the same formulation to Brouwer and Blumenthal.[5]— Kind regards, your 324. To Fernand Mayence [Berlin,] 27 November 1928 Dear Colleague, Thank you very much for your friendly and sympathetic letter.[1] You can make any use of my letter[2] that you deem appropriate. Like you, I am firmly convinced that without the courage to face the truth on both sides, satisfactory and worthy mutual relations cannot be restored. If you have received unfriendly or even hostile messages, then you will find consolation in the fact that those who strive for the true good never have the many, but always the worthy on their side.— Respectfully yours, 325. To Fidelio Reis[1] [Berlin,] 27 November 1928 Dear Sir, Your wonderful letter gave me great pleasure and tremendously increased my pride and self-esteem. I see that, with good effect, I have been for your work the same thing that his rotten apples were for our poet Friedrich Schiller.[2] He had to smell them in order to be able to write poetry.— Respectfully yours,
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