4 2 8 D O C U M E N T S 4 8 5 , 4 8 6 A P R I L 1 9 2 9 485. From Erwin Schrödinger [Taormina, 7 April 1929] That there is something so outrageously beautiful so near to Berlin, and that one has never seen it before, is really unbelievable. I would love to settle here and never leave again. But these are all only words, which cannot actually approach this dream of beauty. Greetings and kisses on the hand to you both! E. Schrödinger Best wishes, A. Schrödinger[1] 486. To the Amateur Astronomers Association[1] [Einstein 1929u] Dated [before or on 8 April 1929][2] Published after 8 April 1929 In: Amateur Astronomer 1, no. 1, Supplement, April 1929, p. 5. Making progress is not the sole task of science. It must also produce the friends and the edification through which the existence of its work first becomes possible. With this in mind, I wish your enterprise the greatest success. A. Einstein 487. Statement on the Yiddish Scientific Institute[1] [Berlin, 8 April 1929] [See Doc. 502 in the documentary edition for published English version.]