D O C U M E N T S 4 1 1 , 4 1 2 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 9 3 7 7 411. To Richard Heilner[1] [Berlin,] 23 February 1929 Dear Sir, An abrupt abolishment of customs duties would lead to an annihilating crisis of the German empire’s agriculture.[2] I am convinced that here a responsible leader would not risk taking such a step, even if the final goal seems absolutely desirable. It is also easy to see that it is possible to abolish duties only in an area within which there is complete freedom of movement, since otherwise a natural dispersion of productive labor cannot be established. In my opinion it is clear that freedom from customs duties and freedom of move- ment, particularly in the European region, are absolutely desirable but can only be achieved in stages. 412. To Hans Stürmer[1] [Berlin,] 23 February 1929 Dear Mr. Stürmer, Your wish puts me in a difficult position, because I am very reluctant to appear as a judge in a matter in which I am a layman.[2] I am also disturbed, regarding con- tent, by the parallel made between cell complexes and thought complexes. But since all the same I consider your book truly useful, I authorize you to reproduce the following statement: “The book has been of exceptional interest to me as an at- tempt to apply strict causality to mental events and also because of its pedagogical qualities. I would recommend it especially to younger readers.” Respectfully yours, 413. From Luther Pfahler Eisenhart [Princeton,] 23 February 1929 [See documentary edition for English text.]