D O C U M E N T S 1 9 8 2 0 0 M AY 1 9 2 8 1 9 1 198. To George Bakalov [1] [Berlin,] 21 May 1928 Dear Sir, I am informed chiefly by Barbusse’s useful book about the sad situation prevail- ing in your country.[2] Like Mr. Gorky, I am also convinced that the protest of in- telligent men would be wasted on people such as appear in this case.[3] Thus there is nothing I can do but express my sympathy for you and your comrades along with the hope that the sound, good sense of the people will lead to a clearing of the air as soon as possible. Respectfully yours, Answer to a call for protest, Bulgaria 199. To Philip Kerr [1] [Berlin,] 24 May 1928 Dear Sir, Since you were kind enough to tell me that you are considering me for the Rhodes Memorial Lectures in Oxford for 1929,[2] I consider it my duty to inform you of the following: I am ill with a serious heart problem that will force me, for the rest of my life, to lead a very quiet and retired existence. When I asked my doctor, he strongly advised me no longer to accept invitations of the kind that you have so kindly extended to me. Unfortunately, I must therefore decline to give the Rhodes Memorial Lectures in the future as well. Respectfully and gratefully yours, 200. To Georges Oprescu[1] [Berlin,] 24 May 1928 Dear Mr. Oprescu, Mr. Krüss recently came to see me to discuss the various matters.[2] On that oc- casion he agreed to represent me at the summer session in Geneva.[3] I am very grateful to you for your kind interest in the state of my body. Under the circumstances, it is reasonably good. I am allowed to stand up a little, which allows me to see just how rickety I have become. Warm regards, your
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D O C U M E N T S 1 9 8 2 0 0 M AY 1 9 2 8 1 9 1 198. To George Bakalov [1] [Berlin,] 21 May 1928 Dear Sir, I am informed chiefly by Barbusse’s useful book about the sad situation prevail- ing in your country.[2] Like Mr. Gorky, I am also convinced that the protest of in- telligent men would be wasted on people such as appear in this case.[3] Thus there is nothing I can do but express my sympathy for you and your comrades along with the hope that the sound, good sense of the people will lead to a clearing of the air as soon as possible. Respectfully yours, Answer to a call for protest, Bulgaria 199. To Philip Kerr [1] [Berlin,] 24 May 1928 Dear Sir, Since you were kind enough to tell me that you are considering me for the Rhodes Memorial Lectures in Oxford for 1929,[2] I consider it my duty to inform you of the following: I am ill with a serious heart problem that will force me, for the rest of my life, to lead a very quiet and retired existence. When I asked my doctor, he strongly advised me no longer to accept invitations of the kind that you have so kindly extended to me. Unfortunately, I must therefore decline to give the Rhodes Memorial Lectures in the future as well. Respectfully and gratefully yours, 200. To Georges Oprescu[1] [Berlin,] 24 May 1928 Dear Mr. Oprescu, Mr. Krüss recently came to see me to discuss the various matters.[2] On that oc- casion he agreed to represent me at the summer session in Geneva.[3] I am very grateful to you for your kind interest in the state of my body. Under the circumstances, it is reasonably good. I am allowed to stand up a little, which allows me to see just how rickety I have become. Warm regards, your

