2 7 0 D O C U M E N T S 2 7 2 , 2 7 3 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 8 272. To Georges Oprescu Scharbeutz, 26 September 1928 Dear Mr. Oprescu, Many thanks for your letter. I am very happy that Mr. Krüss has so admirably understood how the committee works.[1] This is all the more important to me be- cause I cannot count on being able to attend the meetings again myself. I am pleased to see you in Berlin, and to be able to attend the planned discussion. I insist that Mr. Krüss also be there first of all, his statement in favor of the cause awakens less distrust than mine does, because he does not have a one-sided international reputation like mine, and secondly, he has valuable connections, including with the government, through which he is able to promote the cause indirectly.[2] Finally, it is also good to put him in the foreground in order to bind his interest ever more firmly to the cause. Best regards from your A. Einstein 273. To Max von Laue [Scharbeutz?,] 29 September1928 Dear Laue, I was very happy to receive your card, and I am especially very thankful for your ready willingness to support a fellowship for Lanczos.[1] I see at every opportunity how lucky I can consider myself to have you and Planck[2] as colleagues now I have an opportunity to say that, without having to fear that you will laugh at me. It has in fact become clear that Lanczos is riding on a very similar hobbyhorse to mine, and that can be all the more fruitful since my inner motor tends to resent my carrying out computations, without which thinking alone is not of much use. The problem is, in fact, whether the distant-parallelism field theory can yield the correct equations of motion.[3] I now have a lovely and simple method of determin- ing the equations of motion. It is a simplification of the method published in the Proceedings, which can be applied to every relativistic theory.[4] Healthwise, I am doing more or less well. But I shall not be able to come to the colloquium in the foreseeable future, since my old heart muscle is recovering only very slowly. Warm regards from your A. Einstein