3 8 8 I N D E X Attraction, intermolecular, Debye and Nernst on, 136–137, 145–146 Auerbach, Elias (1882–1971), 323 Aulard, François (1849–1928) AE on, 155 Delbrück on, 182 on Delbrück, 155 Aurivillius, Christopher (1843–1928), on AE’s Nobel Prize, 327 Axiomatics logical completeness and empirical adapt- ability in theories, 181 in Reichenbach’s analysis of relativity, 287 Bach, J. S., 136 AE plays, 310 Bannerjea, Debendra (1895–?), 168, 219, 228 intends to visit AE in Berlin, AE declines, 219 Barbusse, Henri (1873–1935) Rolland on, 144 solicits report on Paris visit for Clarté from AE, 162–163, 216–217 Barcelona, 324 Barclay, Thomas (1853–1941), 151, 155 invites AE to lecture at Société française de physique, 102 invites AE for lunch, 108, 109, 124 AE de- clines, 115, 117 Baren, Johan van (1875–1933), invites AE to eclipse expedition in Java, 166, 169 Bärwald, 308, 309, 312 Basch, Victor (1863–1944), 182 Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervinde- lijke Wijsbegeerte te Rotterdam, AE declines invitation to lecture, 242 Bazalgette, Leon (1873–1928), 147 Beck, Carl (1864–1952), 154, 226, 288 Becker, Carl, 280 Becquerel, Jean (1878–1953), 290 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 39 AE plays Kreutzer sonata of, 311 Belgrade, 201 Bergmann, Hugo (1883–1975), 321 Bergson, Henri (1859–1941), 168, 280, 284 Bergson 1922, AE on, 279, 296 Berliner, Emile (1851–1929), donation to He- brew University, 58, 59, 127 Berliner, Siegfried (1884–1961), 307, 308, 316 Berliner Tageblatt, on AE’s lecture at Collège de France, 128 Bertens, Rosa (1860–1934), 152 Berthelot, Daniel, 146 Berthoud, Alfred (1874–1939), AE on mass in- crease of electron in electric field, 282 Besso, Marco (1922–1995), 291 Besso, Michele (1873–1955), 118–119, 256, 290, 294, 296, 327, 381 AE on date of visiting with, 296 on AE’s resigning from Committee on Intellec- tual Cooperation, 381 becomes grandfather, 96, 97 on benefits of Japanese tour for AE, 256 on circles men of various interest should be- long to, 257 on Committee on Intellectual Cooperation, 381 on contraction of infinite rod in spherical space, 99 on Einstein 1923e, 382 invention by, 98 AE on, 107 on satellites of Jupiter, 99 sends Michelstadter 1922 to AE, 257 on twin paradox, 290 on visualization of relativistic effects, 98 Besso, Vero (1898–1971), 97, 257, 291, 296 on transversal Doppler effect, 99 on twin paradox, 290 Besso, Vittorio (?–1937), 257 requests AE to plead his cause with Nussbaum, 118–119 Besso-Winteler, Anna (1872–1944), 257 Bialystok, 89 Bianchi, Luigi, lectures on differential geometry, 335 Biram, Arthur (1878–1967), 323 Black-body radiation, 252 and Boltzmann’s principle, 10 Blackett, Basil (1882–1935), 328 Blaschke, Wilhelm (1885–1962), 27 Block, Paul on AE’s lectures at Collège de France, 151 on AE’s success in Paris, 152 article on AE’s Paris lectures for Berliner Tageblatt, 128 asks AE for popular lecture to Germans living in Paris, 128 AE declines, 144, 151 on professors of Collège de France, 152 Blondel, Georges (1856–1948), 152 BNV, 14 invited by Ligue des droits de l’hom- me, 89