1 9 4 D O C U M E N T 2 0 1 M A Y 1 9 2 8 1. The main function of the academic head would be the preparation of all deci- sions of the academic council and the board of trustees regarding the university’s further development, that is, regarding above all the creation of new departments, the appointment of new faculty members, the introduction of instruction, and internal academic administration and division of labor. 2. To perform these functions he should be an ex officio representative of the university council and a member of all the university’s academic administrative bodies and their individual departments and faculties. 3. The preparation of recommendations for appointing professors and lecturers lies exclusively in his hands. He alone carries on the correspondence concerning this matter, and after the board of trustees has decided on an appointment, he makes it on the board’s behalf. The recruitment of new faculty members for the university will be one of his essential functions and for this purpose it will no doubt prove nec- essary that he maintain direct personal relations with foreign universities and scholars. 4. In addition, it will be an essential function of the academic head to work out, with the support of the faculty, admission requirements for students, and in partic- ular he must see to it that this task is performed in strict accord with the relevant principles established by the board of trustees. 5. Finally, he must have a voice in the discussion of all administrative issues con- cerning the academic development of the university, i.e., conditions for appoint- ment, salaries, pensions, stipends, university publications, new university buildings, student organizations, etc. Naturally, the academic head will remain in constant contact with the members of the board of trustees and the academic council, and in particular he will present a detailed report at the annual meetings of these bodies. But it seems to me essential that apart from this a small standing committee of the board of trustees and the ac- ademic council also be created, as is also indicated in the memorandum. At least twice a year, and in addition to the annual meeting, this committee would consult with the academic head regarding all current questions, advise him, and, if neces- sary, support him. It would fall to this committee to make decisions concerning all the questions that arise in the course of the year that the academic head thinks he should not decide on his own responsibility.[11] Major questions involving essential principles must, of course, be reserved for the academic council and the board of trustees. However, there must be an authority available to resolve, in a professional and yet expeditious way, problems of a secondary nature that arise in the course of the year. This need would be met by this committee, whose chairman should re- main in constant contact with the academic head. I believe that the establishment of such a committee and the appointment of an academic head would help to