D O C U M E N T 2 0 1 M AY 1 9 2 8 1 9 3 ment of an academic head of the whole university, to be of fundamental importance.[6] In my opinion, an organ for academic initiatives and their execution must be created for the board of trustees, which meets only once a year. Such an organ, with its expert insight into the problems of developing a university in gen- eral and its personal knowledge of the intellectual situation at the university and in Palestine, seems well-suited for submitting to the board of trustees carefully con- sidered and competent recommendations regarding the university’s development, while on the other hand providing for an appropriate implementation of the board’s decisions concerning the university’s academic development. I believe that no uni- versity, of whatever type, can dispense with such an administrative authority. Of the various organizational forms of this function, it seems to me that for our uni- versity, which is a self-governing corporation, the English model of the academic vice-chancellor is the right one, and all the more so because in Jerusalem we still have no representative of the faculty, and the university is still in the developmental stage.[7] I would like to strongly emphasize that the academic head to be named must not be a mere one-year honorary head of the faculty, like a German rector, but instead a university labor official holding a long-term appointment, who should di- rect the university’s development, in accord with the academic council in Jerusa- lem and with the decisions of the advisory board, but also participating directly in bringing about and implementing these decisions. He definitely should not be a mere honorary head of the university whose name and scientific prestige could give the university a rank in the scholarly world that its own achievements cannot yet have and certainly not a mere academic adviser to the chancellor.[8] Instead, he should be the central and responsible authority in the academic development of the university, named by the board of trustees and responsible only to the latter and to the academic council. In any case, he must be completely independent of the uni- versity administration, whereas on the other hand, he must be able at all times to look into administrative relations, and especially into the university’s management of its funds.[9] In order to appropriately carry out this recommendation, on whose success it seems to me the whole future of the university depends, I consider it absolutely necessary that at its next session the board of trustees not only decide in principle to name an academic head, but also that it act on this decision and determine this head’s functions, rights, and duties in a very precise way excluding any ambiguity. A personal recommendation regarding the filling of this position will be submitted to the board of trustees in the name of the president and in my own name.[10] But so far as the definition of the functions of the academic head are concerned, it seems to me that they must include basically the following individual powers:
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