D O C U M E N T 3 7 7 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 9 5 5 9 Published in Jewish Daily Bulletin, 1 February 1929, 1. PD. [98 024]. [1] Einstein had received a request for a statement on the annual United Palestine Appeal in Abs. 837. For his initial response, see Doc. 375. Einstein 1929n (Doc. 365). Lipsky (1876–1963). [2] For Einstein’s views on the “pioneers,” i.e., the Jewish immigrant agricultural settlers, see “Prof. Einstein on His Impression of Palestine,” 24 April 1923 (Vol. 14, Doc. 20). For his opinion on the role of Palestine in the “renaissance of the Jewish people,” see Vol. 14, Doc. 332a, in this volume. [3] For a similar statement of the positive impact of Jewish settlement in Palestine on the relations between East and West, see “Jewish Telegraphic Agency Interview with Einstein on the Hebrew Uni- versity,” 15 March 1926 (Vol. 15, Appendix C). [4] On the expansion of the Jewish Agency, see Einstein 1929m (Doc. 379), note 2. 377. From Chaim Herman Müntz [Berlin-Nikolassee,] 18. 1. 29 Hochverehrter lieber Herr Professor, vielen Dank für Ihre freundliche Antwort—und vielleicht lohnt es, noch die fol- genden Identitäten zu vermerken, die übrigens wohl mit den von Ihnen gewünsch- ten Berührung haben müssen: . Ich will in Ihrem Sinne weiter suchen. Treulichst Ihr Müntz AKS. [18 334]. Addressed “Herrn Prof. Dr. A. Einstein Berlin W.30 Haberlandsstr. 5” with return address “Dr Müntz Nikolassee” and postmarked “Berlin Grunewald–14.” V l/l k 1 2 V l k l – / 0 U l/l k 1 2 U l k l – / 0 U l l l – =