V O L . 1 4 , D O C . 3 3 2 a A P P E A L T O J E W S O F H U N G A R Y 2 5 Published in Einstein 1929a, pp. 25–26, and in Einstein 1934b, pp. 153–154, under the title “Jüdische Gesundung” with the omission of the first and last paragraphs. Also published in English translation in Einstein 1931, pp. 53–54. An ADftS is also available, titled “Jüdische Gesundung” in Rudolf Kayser’s hand. [28 164]. [1] Dated by the fact that this document is on the verso of a page from a TDft of Vol. 14, Doc. 332. [28 165]. [2] “einen Appell zu richten anlässlich Ihrer Bemühung” inthe ADftS. [3] The Keren Hayesod was the Palestine Foundation Fund, which had been established in 1920 as the Zionist Organisation’s main instrument for funding immigration to and settlement in Palestine. The appeal may have been motivated by the contemporary illegal status of Zionist activity in Hungary and the support of the official leadership of Hungarian Jewry for such a status. According to the head of the Hungarian Zionist Association, Nison Kahan, there was a growing tendency among the leaders of Hungarian Jewry to lift the ban on Zionist activities in Hungary (see Zionist Congress 1926, pp. 362–364). [4] “jüdischer nationalerin the ADftS. [5] “durchaus” in the ADftS. [6] “hervorgehterwächst” in the ADftS. For a similar critique of the mindset of Jewish assimilationists, see “Antisemitismus und akade- mische Jugend,” after 15 July 1923 [Vol. 14, Doc. 80]). [7] “Individuums, das die BinduMenschen, der den Zusammenhang” in the ADftS. [8] “Die Schwere dieser Situation lastet infolge der allgemeinen weltpolitischen Situation Verhält- nisse gegenwärtig besonders schwer derBesonders gross ist gegenwärtig der äussere Druck, der auf infolgeauf dem jüdischen Volke lastet.”in the ADftS. In Germany, the Jewish community and refugees from Eastern Europe were greatly affected by the economic instability of the period and by anti-Semitic violence that led to the riots of November 1923. In Eastern Europe, particularly in Poland, Jews were subjected to discriminatory policies and economic hardships that led to a wave of immigration to Palestine known as the “Fourth Aliyah” (see Vol. 14, In- troduction, p. lxxi, and Chaim Weizmann to Einstein, 12 December 1924 [Vol. 14, Doc. 394, note 1]). [9] For a similar instance in which Einstein compares the positive impact of “renewal” on the con- temporary generation of Jews with a negative assessment of the assimilationist mindset of previous generations, see “On the Colonization of Palestine,” 26 September 1924 (Vol. 14, Appendix D). [10] “Dies Werk ist dank dem Zusammenwirken der Juden aller Länder bereits soweit gediehen, dass ich nicht an einem dauernden Erfolg zweifle.” in the ADftS. For Einstein’s impressions of the Jewish colonization of Palestine and his belief in its success, see “Prof. Einstein on His Impressions of Palestine,” 24 April 1923 (Vol. 14, Doc. 20). [11] “SeinDer” in the ADftS. [12] “und ein Zielein Feld der Bethätigung” in the ADftS. [13] “besten” in the ADftS. [14] For a similar appeal, see “On the Colonization of Palestine,” 26 September 1924 [Vol. 14, Appendix D]. [15] Followed by “A. Einstein” in the ADftS.
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