D O C . 35 O N D R A F T F O R S C H O O L L A W 87 S ächlilchc S chulzitung i g e n t u m d e s D r e s d n e r £ c h r e c D e c e i n s Beilagm:PadagogifcheBeilage/£it erarifcheBeilageund£ehrmittelwarte S c r i ftleitung in D re s d e n -n 6 / B ifchofsweg 7o/ s ernfpr echer 56253 Oalrcgang 9 4 m ittrooch/ 7 . S eptember 1927 rtummer29 3 n b a li: 3unt 9£eid)èfd)ulgefet)entttmrf / ©ie ©efal)rcn ber fonfcfftoneHen Sedute / Qluéttrirfungcn beò ìReicf)èfciutgefcficntnnirfè fùr bie Statt ^luerbaci) i. 95. / 3um Canbeèlebrplan / Seimat- unb Grbfunbe im £cl)rplanenttturf / ©aè 3eic&nen im £efrplanertttuurf ©ic Ceibcèubungcn cinfdjliefjlici) ber 3ugenìfpiclc / ©er 53auèi)altunterrid)i tm £ef)rptanenttturf / 3ur Uferarifden Srjie^ung / Cctr* pian unb toeniggeglieberte £antfd)ulc / ©ic 5Cocbenfiunbenjat)l in ben gemifd)icn ^laffen / 3nfernaitonalcr ®r,vet)crfongref) in Cocarno Gtanbcèbettugtfein ber 3M)itologen unb Vcfolbungéreform / £age / ©eljalf unb ÓBirtfd)aft / ilmfc&au / *2luè ben 93esirfèoeretncn / Quercine [2] 3um К eih)sfh)itlgefeiieninmrf finb ber Gäd)fifci)en Sd)ulzeitung foigcnbe Urteile zugegangen: Dtto Dir, Drofeffor an ber SHfabcmie ber bilbenben fünfte Dreèbcn: 3d) bin gegen jeglidje Veoormunbung ber Schulen burd) Pfaffen unb anbere D ogmatifer. [3] Dr.Ulbert (Stnffetn, Drofeffor an berUninerfltät Berlin: 3d bin ber Überzeugung, bafc ber Gd)ulgefeijcnittntrf für baö beutfd)e V olf eine eritfie ©efaljr bebcutei. Seine 3ltuia$tne würbe eine Vertiefung ber religiöfen $luft zroifd)cn ©eilen be$ Volieö foroic eine S efä^rbung feinet 93ilbung3ftanbe3 unb beS l2lnfct)cnö ber S cutfdjen al$ ^ultumation bebeuten. i)beit, oon ber bie bevorzugte Stellung ber 3enfrum3partci in ber k epublif bisher bod) wof)l l auptfäd)lid) abt ing, begleitet fic auf biefem Vkge nid)t mehr lange, D urd) nicf)i3 mad)t man ftd) ber K epublii verbäcf)iiger, als burd) Eingriffe auf bie Schule. S bornaä SDiann, ‘Bftündien: S $ fe^lt mir zurzeit nod) an Sinftdjt in ben neuen Entwurf bc$ 9?cid)Sfd)ulgefe$c3, bod) barf id) erflären, baji bie Dettbenz einer ^onfefftonalifterung ber Q3olf£fd)ule unb ber Sd)ule über- haupt meinen 2Bünfcf)en unb fultureilen Überzeugungen ent» gegen wäre. Published in Sächsische Schulzeitung 94, 29 (7 September 1927): 589. Also published in Berliner Tageblatt, 7 September 1927, EE, p. 4. An ADft [48 423] is also available, appended to Abs. 92. [1]Dated by the fact that the ADft is appended to Abs. 92, which is dated 16 August 1927. [2]In Abs. 92, the editor o f the Sächsische Schulzeitung requested a brief statement on the proposed draft o f school legislation. Statements were published also by the painter Otto Dix, the authors Heinrich and Thomas Mann, and the psychologists William Stern and Hans Volkelt. In July 1927, the Reich Interior Minister Walther von Keudell from the DNVP submitted a draft o f a new school law to the Reichstag that would grant the church wide-ranging influence on the German education system. The bill granted the “free possibility of development” to all three school types: the common schools, the confessional schools, and the secular schools, as envisaged in the Weimar Constitution. According to the bill, in confessional schools, lesson plans, schoolbooks, and teaching materials would have to align with their religious character. Full-time positions could only be filled by teachers o f the corresponding denomination. The church’ s religious exercises and cus- toms were to be practiced and its holidays and commemoration days were to be observed. The reli- gious instruction would be supervised by state-appointed officials who would be selected by the church. The DDP and the SPD waged a concerted campaign against the proposed legislation during the summer and fall o f 1927. They were particularly opposed to the splintering of the public school system and were concerned that the social role o f the Volksschule as an important means “for the cul- tural integration o f a diverse population into a civic community” would be undermined by the legis- lation (see Lamberti 2002, pp. 59 and 172-173). [3]“(Er vertieft die religi) Seine Annahme” in the ADft.
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