D O C U M E N T 5 1 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 7 1 1 1 TLSX. [16 613]. On personal letterhead. Addressed “Herrn Prof. Dr. Lorentz Haarlem.” Kox 2008, pp. 658–659. Most of the text was also published in Nathan and Norden 2004, pp. 102–103. [1] Julio Casares (1877–1964) was a Spanish diplomat, Romanicist and Hispanist, and director of the Department of Translators and Interpreters at the Spanish Foreign Ministry. He had been nominated as a member of the ICIC in June 1926 (see George Oprescu to Ein- stein, 18 June 1926 [Vol. 15, Abs. 507]). At the third meeting of the ninth session of the ICIC, which took place in Geneva on 23 July 1927, Casares had proposed that the “national committees” on international cooperation should decide whether the members of regional committees representing linguistic minorities “should be recognised by the International Committee on Intellectual Co-operation.” This led to a lively debate among the members of the ICIC. Lorentz, as chairman, of the committee proposed that “(1) Each country possessed a National Committee (2) If there were other organisations in a country which desired to work in the field of international relations, they should get into touch with the National Com- mittee. In cases where they refused to do this, it should not prevent the establishment with the [International] Institute [of Intellectual Cooperation] of a purely intellectual relation- ship.” However, “[i]n cases where the organisations in question were seen to have political tendencies, all relationship with them would cease” (see League 1927, pp. 13 and 15). For a brief comment by Einstein on the issue of national committees at the same meeting, see Abs. 71. [2] The memorandum in question may have been sent to Einstein by the editors of the Balkan- Föderation. Einstein had expressed his concern for the rights of minorities in the Balkan countries in August 1927 (see Einstein 1927o [Doc. 30]). [3] For Einstein’s nuanced position on whether the individual members of the ICIC represented their countries or not, see, e.g., Einstein to Gilbert Murray, 25 July 1922 (Vol. 13, Doc. 309). 51. To Gotthold Mamlock[1] Berlin, 16. 9. 27. Sehr geehrter Herr Mamlock! Es tut mir sehr leid, Ihren Wunsch nicht erfüllen zu können.[2] Eine Bespre- chung, die so ausführlich wäre, dass ich von der exakten Wiedergabe meiner Mei- nung vollständig überzeugt sein dürfte, wäre schwieriger und zeitraubender, als wenn ich das Thema selbst behandelte. Zu letzterem fehlt es mir aber gegenwärtig an Zeit und Lust, letzteres deswegen, weil es unersprieslich ist, wissenschaftliche Meinungen zu bekämpfen, denen man genügend sachlich begründete bessere Mei- nungen nicht entgegenzusetzen weiss. In vorzüglicher Hochachtung! TLC. [47 592]. Addressed “An das Berliner Tageblatt S. W. 19.” [1] Mamlock (1876–1951) was a German-Jewish physician and a medical journalist for the Berliner Tageblatt. [2] For Mamlock’s request for a meeting, see Abs. 135.
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