6 8 8 D O C U M E N T 4 8 5 A P R I L 1 9 2 9 ALS (SzZuZB, Nachlass H. Zangger, box 1c). Schulmann 2012, pp. 475–476. [80 815]. On personal letterhead. Greetings by Eduard Einstein omitted. [1] Zangger had informed Einstein of his recent heart ailment and of his canceled plans to travel to Berlin to further negotiate a university position there (see Abs. 1059). [2] For the gift of the sailing boat, see Doc. 446, note 4. [3] Aurel Stodola (1859–1942), Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the ETH. Zangger had informed Einstein of his imminent resignation from the Polytechnic, of the death of one of his daugh- ters, and of a severe car accident in which his other daughter had been involved (see Abs. 1059). [4] Zangger had asked him to write a brief article on the occasion of Stodola’s seventieth birthday (see Abs. 1059). [5] A reference to the German Emperor Wilhelm II. 485. From Erwin Schrödinger [Taormina, 7. April 1929] Daß es so nah von Berlin etwas so unerhört Schönes gibt und daß man das noch nie gesehen ha[t], ist eigentlich unglaublich. Ich möchte mich am liebsten hier nie- derlassen und nie mehr fortgehen. Aber das sind alles nur Worte, mit denen man diesem Traum von Schönheit nicht nahekommen kann. Grüße und Handküsse Ihnen Beiden! E. Schrödinger Herzlichste Grüße A. Schrödinger.[1] AKS. [22 024]. Addressed “Germania Herrn Professor Dr. Albert Einstein Berlin Haberlandtstr. 5.” and postmarked “Taormina Messina 7.4.29.” On the verso is a picture of the ruins of the Greek theater in Taormina. There are perforations for a loose-leaf binder at the top and margin of the card. [1] Annemarie Schrödinger-Bertel (1896–1965).