3 6 4 D O C U M E N T S 3 7 2 , 3 7 3 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 6 372. From Paul Epstein [Pasadena,] 28 September 1926 Dear Professor, Thank you very much for your kind postcard. I would like to inform you in a few words that the repetition of the Michelson experiment by Dr. Kennedy[1] on Mount Wilson yielded a completely negative result. Kennedy’s method is a modification he has a much smaller apparatus, but still claims to have a sensitivity that is four- to fivefold of Miller’s.[2] He could not find any trace of the Miller effect. Unfortu- nately, I had an opportunity to speak with him for only a few moments because he left on vacation right after the conclusion of the experiments upon his return from Mount Wilson. I am very pleased that Reichenbach found a position in Berlin.[3] As the many letters that I received in the interim demonstrate, finding him a place in America would not have been without prospect, but it would have taken some time. With respectful regards, yours sincerely, Paul S. Epstein 373. To Elsa Einstein [Leyden,] Wednesday [29 September 1926] Dear Else, Give Mr. Grommer[1] only 200 M for October. Ehrenfest intends to write Mr. Dunn, who offered to immediately fulfill requests such as Mr. Grommer’s pay for me.[2] So you don’t have to worry. De Haas here is suffering greatly, like Ilse.[3] I was at his place yesterday evening. Maschke[4] wants to come here but it’s not yet completely certain. We are having a good time together here and also working hard. It was very nice at the Lebach’s. They are Jews, he a democratic politician as a sec- ondary profession she is a likable Viennese.[5] On Sunday, we took another brisk walk along the Rhine. Warm wishes, your Albert Pay Mr. Grünberg the patent costs (attorney & application)[6]