D O C U M E N T S 4 0 4 , 4 0 5 N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 6 3 8 5 404. To Emil Rupp [Berlin,] 5 November 1926 Dear Mr. Rupp, I took the liberty of deleting the last sentence before the “summary” in your paper[1] because the assertion mentioned in there is incorrect. The irregular addi- tional velocities (e.g., the thermal ones) in the canal ray bundle can never be cor- rected by means of rotating the mirrors (in particular the components to the canal ray velocity). If you wish to insert anything regarding the aforementioned, you have to request an additional correction proof sheet. It is not clear yet why interfer- ences of such a large phase difference are possible.[2] Discuss it with Frank.[3] Kind regards, your A. Einstein Translators’ note: Based on a translation by Doris Lonk and Tilman Sauer. 405. From Heinrich Zangger Zurich, 6 November 1926 Dear Friend Einstein, Thank you for your letter.[1] Your warm invitation to Berlin comes in addition to a succession of invitations and letters that proved to me that, on the one hand, peo- ple in Berlin know me better than I anticipated and that, on the other, goodwill ex- ists to a great extent so that I can in no case reject the call without further scrutiny as to what is wanted from me and what I can accomplish under the existing conditions.[2] I came to Berlin on 26 September as a completely unknown personality (as a Swiss delegate to the meeting of the international criminal police organization)[3] and did not encounter a single acquaintance in Berlin. I had, however, already on 30 September a rather clear opinion, promises from several Prussian and, above all, Reich ministers, who gave me an almost overwhelming image of the will for in- sight, of the drive and the energy to put the insight into practice quickly such that, as a result, the call to Berlin is already for me a great experience and already virtu- ally guarantees the prospects for development of the specialties and of the great leading-edge tasks for medicine in law. Of course, I need your advice in many areas before I decide on any direction. I will notify you immediately after my arrival in Berlin so I can discuss the situation with you.
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