4 5 8 D O C U M E N T 4 6 5 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 7 And now, dear Einstein, scold, but with a little considerate love! If you just look at the marked places in the enclosed manuscript, you’ll see what we mean. De Haas is moving very satisfactorily forward.[12] He’ll be allowed to go home very soon already. Did you write him a few words? Very warm regards to you, greetings also to your wife[13] and 465. From Leonor Michaelis[1] 15 Talbot Road, Windsor Hills, Baltimore, Md., 25 January 1927 Dear Professor, This afternoon the president of Johns Hopkins University[2] visited me in my laboratory to give me a most surprising mission. He asked me whether he could venture to ask you, with some prospect of success, to accept a professorship of some form at the local university.[3] As the president himself does not dare to con- tact you directly, he asked me to make an inquiry in a preparatory manner as to whether, in principle, the prospect existed at all that you would relocate your resi- dence to America for a longer or shorter period of time. In the event that you would consider this at all, obviously all the other steps would immediately be taken by the university. But since I have now been entrusted with this mission, I would like to write you a few words about the local situation, the way it has presented itself to me, after a residence of 3/4 years. As the case may be, I am at your disposal anytime for detailed information. Academic life and personal relations with colleagues are as pleasant as could be imagined. Here there are no “undergraduates,” who at other American universities take up so much space that there is often less room available for the advanced stud- ies that, according to our conceptions, would suit the scale of the facilities.[4] With regard to personal living, we—also my wife and daughter—have been pleasantly surprised.[5] We had believed that, after the very charming living conditions in Ja- pan, we would encounter the very austere circumstances one imagines of a big American city. But one lives here in a suburb, in a comfortable, almost rural setting, in a hilly region in attractive nature with southern vegetation. The population also has a pleasant southern bent, not only [the] masses but also educated circles it somewhat resembles Southern Germany here, if one wanted to compare New York and Boston to Northern Germany. Although I hardly dare to hope to see you here, I do fulfill my mission of asking you with particular gratification.