D O C U M E N T 2 3 2 F O R E U R O P E A N U N D E R S TA N D I N G 2 4 1 232. “In Favor of European Understanding!” [Einstein et. al. 1926c] Dated Spring [after 21 March]1926[1] Published 1927 In: Verband 1927, pp. 9–19. Constitutive Appeal of the German Association for European Understanding.[2] Spring 1926 The Pact of Locarno signaled the reconciliation of the European nations.[3] The work of rapprochement accomplished there weathered even the Geneva crisis.[4] The course and result of the Geneva meeting demonstrated before the entire world that even within this worldwide association of countries, the group of European na- tions must come to an agreement separately. The creators of the Pact of Locarno initially only eliminated causes of friction and thereby reduced the impending threat of new European conflicts. They them- selves call their work a beginning. They declare: The governments can only smooth the way the union for positive cooperation must be the work of the nations. The German people is ready to secure its vital interests on the path of further work of rapprochement. On the other hand, the other nations have realized that a further development of Europe without full accommodation with Germany is im- possible. If the new order that must lead to general disarmament is to last, one must ensure that the moral guarantees which replace the military guarantees will not be violated by any side. This can be accomplished only by a consolidation of the ideas of peace and solidarity, as well as by the integration of economies. For both objectives—securing of German interests and rapprochement of na- tions—the Association for European Understanding will bring together all groups of our nation who are willing to support the work of reconciliation. This association was just brought to life, in accord with like-minded groups of other nations,[5] following a similarly minded organization created by leading Ger- mans even before the world war (“Association for International Rapprochement,” Frankfurt, 1911)[6] and based on the unification of a series of other large associations.[7] [p. 9]
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