3 7 2 D O C U M E N T 3 8 0 A G A I N S T C E N S O R S H I P 380. “Against Censorship Law”[1] [Einstein 1926u] Published 14 October 1926 In: Vossische Zeitung, 14 October 1926, ME, p. [2]. The “Committee to Combat the Law for the Protection of Young People from Harmful and Obscene Writings”[2] is launching an appeal to the Reich government and parliament in which the untenable provisions of the draft law are enumerated. The demand is raised to eliminate those provisions and to incorporate the following safeguards: 1. Reich inspection office instead of state inspection offices, 2. Unanimity in a decision, 3. Removal of the prerogative of church representatives and selection of experts by the organization, not by public authorities, 4. Exclusion of periodical writings in print.[3] This appeal is signed by all the essential federations of the intellectual world, such as, among others, by the German Publishers Association, the Association of the German Book Trade, Association for the Protection of German Writers, Con- federation of German People’s Theater Associations, Association of German Play- wrights and Stage Composers, Association of German Narrators, Association of German Journal Publishers, Union of Art Publishers, Goethe Federation, numerous artists associations in Düsseldorf, Karlsruhe, Königsberg in Pr[ussia], in Silesia, by the Association of German Railway-Station Booksellers, Association of the Berlin Press, as well as by the General Free Federation of Employees and by the General Free Federation of Trade Unions. A large number of personalities among Germany’s intelligentsia have also per- sonally signed this submission by the associations,[4] such as, among others: [Signatories]
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