3 5 4 D O C U M E N T 3 5 8 A U G U S T 1 9 2 6 who fought in the war, and professed by many of the statesmen of the countries concerned. By the universal abolition of conscription we can take a decisive step toward peace and liberty. We therefore call upon all men and women of goodwill to help create in all countries a public opinion which will induce governments and the League of Nations to take this definite step to rid the world of the spirit of milita- rism, and to open the way to a new era of freedom within nations and of fraternity between them.[4] Translators’ note: English version published in the New York Times, 29 August 1926, p. 2. 358. From Paul Ehrenfest Leyden, 26 August 1926 Dear Einstein, Thank you very much for your postcard of 23 August.[1] I have been wanting to write to you for a long time already, but felt ashamed to bother you. I’m delighted that you are beginning to become interested in Klein’s work.[2] It’s just a pity that you couldn’t come over in June when he was here.— I believe that, sketchy and questionable though his ideas still may be at the moment, they will ex- tend beyond Schrödinger and lead to something better, especially if one manages to advance from the linear equations to the nonlinear ones.— Unfortunately, I don’t have an offprint of his paper. But I immediately wrote to him to send you what he has. His address at the moment is: Denmark, Gilleleje, c/o Sadelmager Lassen. I hope that three days after receipt of this letter of mine you will already have an an- swer from him.— I would like to tell you again that he is one of the very finest and kindest persons I have ever met, and my wife thinks so, too. Now, various things: 1. (!!!!!) Dear Einstein, do please come to Leyden again sometime!— We start here during the last days of September. Perhaps it is conve- nient for you to come early?— Please choose the time yourself. And I beseech you to inform me speedily of the dates, because I do depend on it with so many of my personal affairs!— So, please, a rapid, favorable reply!— 2. Middle of September my wife is traveling to Russia again, probably for 9 months.[3] 3. Circa 20 Sep- tember, Tanitchka is getting married after all (in Maarn).[4] Will then continue to live in Dordrecht.— 4. Galinka[5] is moving in mid-September to The Hague into the home of the conductor of The Hague’s symphony orchestra, Anrooy,[6] because
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