3 8 4 D O C U M E N T S 4 0 2 , 4 0 3 N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 6 of that better from Berlin, since you know the conditions better than I. The fact that something isn’t right is clear from the fact that Besso’s son wrote to me and readily admitted to me that concern about his father was the motivation. When will you have time for a discussion, and where? There is little quiet and little space at the State Pharmacology Institute. At my home: phone number Hansa 250[4] in the morning or late in the afternoon. Between 10 and 1 o’clock, I’m usu- ally at the Institute, but also in the Reich’s Ministry of Health and with the various ministers, with the police, at inspections, in short—wherever a forensic medicine specialist who wants to stick his nose into everything goes. Paul Valéry was telling me about you yesterday evening. He was very pleased that you came to his lecture in Berlin.[5] You know he is a friend of Perrin.[6] He wanted to greet you but was drowned in the importunate crowd. So long for now, Zangger 402. To Armin Weiner[1] [Berlin,] 4 November 1926 Dear Doctor, I have read your gracious letter to Mr. Blumenfeld[2] and remember well your earlier invitation which I, unfortunately, could not follow up on at the time. Who could possibly have put this manuscript[3] on the market? If you can and will tell, I would be glad to know. I promise to keep your communication to myself, i.e., to make no use of it. Perhaps I can visit you again to make up for previous neglect. Kind regards, your A. Einstein 403. Letter of Recommendation for the Editors of the Encylopædia Judaica [Berlin,] 5 November 1926 I hereby declare that the men who are directing the work of the Jewish encyclopedia[1] are well known to me and that they deserve full confidence in every respect.[2] Albert Einstein