D O C U M E N T 5 2 5 M A Y 1 9 2 7 5 2 3 525. From Leo Kohn 77 Great Russell Street, London, W.C.1, 22 May 1927 Confidential. Dear Prof. Einstein, Dr. Weizmann[1] discussed the matter of the university with me quite extensively yesterday, and in the course of the conversation a suggestion came up which he asked me to present to you for your possible consideration. The question is, namely, whether it wouldn’t be better if you talk to Mr. Felix Warburg about the university, for which the opportunity will present itself very soon,[2] to perhaps show him a way out of the present situation, to the effect that you make your re- maining at the head of the Board of Governors and of the Academic Council dependent on the fact that in Jerusalem itself a strong and capable personality—a sort of rector—an academic president be entrusted with leadership of all academic affairs of the university,[3] such that only purely administrative matters will fall to Dr. Magnes [4] and even in these, of course, the rector or academic president to be appointed would have a decisive say, wherever substantial matters are concerned. Prof. Brodetsky’s[5] name has been mentioned as a suggestion for such a leader, but Dr. Weizmann thinks that he might not be sufficiently strong for the position. How- ever, he thinks the suggestion itself is worth considering. Namely, he must, as ex- perience demonstrates, give to the entities outside of Palestine all possible authorities that he cannot exercise under the prevailing circumstances.[6] Instead, someone must be on site who has some caliber, who understands scientific problems, has experience in a university administration, and has sympathy and un- derstanding for the special tasks of a Hebrew university and for the new spirit in Palestine. Prof. Brodetsky would be precisely such a personality. So far as we are able to judge matters from the letter, it is likely that Mr. Warburg will propose to you the strengthening of the Academic Council and the development of a truly lively entity. This is, per se, certainly desirable and can only benefit the university. However, it does not suffice. There must be someone on site who has scientific judgment and can assure the Board of Governors and the Academic Council that the resolutions are also appropriately implemented. I am communicating this proposal to you just as a suggestion. Whether it is fea- sible and whether it is adequate to straighten things out in light of the current state of affairs remains to be seen, of course. Kind regards, yours sincerely,
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