D O C U M E N T 4 3 1 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 6 4 0 9 vant pages among the chalcographic institutions of Berlin, Paris, Madrid, and Rome.[16] The Press Division transmits to the newspapers and periodicals of all countries those messages that come to it from the other divisions and from the outside. It at- tempts—not without success—to interest the newspapers of the world in the issues of intellectual cooperation, and for this purpose stays in constant contact with press associations and news services. It investigates the international issues associated with the dissemination of intellectual products through printing, the issue of tech- nical schools, for daily news writing, and the like. Prof. Gonzague de Reynold, Professor of French and Dean at the University of Bern, in his report on behalf of the management committee, quite accurately as- sessed the activity of the new office with the following words: in the first six months, much more has been started and much more has also been accomplished than one could have expected.[17] It has completely properly embraced its reason for being, to provide or to improve means for facilitating mutual exchange and co- operation in the area of intellectual life, to act as a link, in a word, to serve but not to impose. What is expected from it in the world of science, art, and education is not grandiose plans or sensational proposals but, rather, methodical mediation ac- tivity. The importance of this League of Nations agency has also been recognized by governments and intellectual workers. Thirty countries have already appointed special government representatives to this agency 38 countries have chosen spe- cial national committees on intellectual cooperation that cooperate with the agency in the relevant national territories. Hardly a week passes without an international conference meeting in the halls of the League of Nations agency, and a large number of such conferences has es- tablished a special office on the premises, including: the International Academy of Comparative Law, the International Association of Historical Synthesis, the Inter- national Secondary School Teachers Association, the International Journalists As- sociation, the Federation of Intellectual Unions, the International Association of Research Historians, the Theater International, etc. 431. To Paul Valéry Berlin, 11 December 1926 Dear Mr. P. Valéry, I had the pleasure of hearing you here and shaking your hand. Your arduous and bravely completed mission did not allow anything more.[1] It is highly gratifying