D O C U M E N T 1 9 8 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 6 2 1 3 It would be invaluable that an authorized representative of the American physi- cians’ committee[5] come to Europe with you, so we could arrive at a draft consti- tution that is binding for all and approved by all. I believe that you are correct that Mr. Weizmann should not be seen as the decision-making authority in matters relating to the university so long as he is pres- ident of the Zionist Executive.[6] Personnel issues are secondary matters and will not create serious difficulties once the principal issues of management have been clarified. Respectfully yours, A. Einstein 198. From Werner Heisenberg Göttingen, 18 February 1926 Dear Professor, Of course, I shall be very pleased to answer the questions and objections con- tained in your letter, as far as I am able. First of all, as pertains to chapter (c) Gen- eralities, I must first confer with Jordan, who is away at the moment for Jordan has been thinking more about the radiation cavity than I and is therefore more competent [1] in any case, how this approach reads, which you assume to be “anal- ogous to our outlook” on the entropy of a partial volume, is not at all new to me. But I shall be more thorough in writing about the other points. Your objection (b.) seems to me to be based on a formal misunderstanding. The commutation relations eq. (3), chap. 2, merely assert By no means should the angular momentum be zero: What seems to me to be the essence of the commutation relations is that the clas- sical theory results at the limit but even classically the components of the angular momentum do not vanish.[2] Further, if in your example (a) (2) another energy matrix results than for the har- monic oscillator,[3] I cannot imagine anything else than that somewhere the com- mutation relations have not been correctly observed. For it is a mathematical law that the eigenvalues of a principal-axis transformation be clearly determined by the problem and the boundary conditions. I also notice a few inaccuracies in your approach: pkql qlpk – 0 für k l) ≠ ( = pkql plqk 0. ≠ – h 0=