D O C U M E N T 4 8 3 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 7 4 7 9 482. “Einstein Joins French in Defense of Chaplin” [Einstein 1927f] Dated 19 February1927 Published 20 February 1927 In: Philadelphia Public Ledger, 20 February 1927, p. 3. [See documentary edition for English text.] 483. From Teodor Schlomka Halle (Saale), Ziebenstr. 10, 22 February 1927 Dear Professor, 1.) In order to eliminate the vibrations arising from the airplane, judging from my experiences, the arrangement visible on the enclosed photograph is very rec- ommendable: a wooden plank is affixed in the observer area an air cushion made of rubber is placed on it the measurement instrument itself is pressed down onto this cushion by 3 tautly stretched springs. It is generally also sufficient, though, simply to have the instrument freely suspended from 4 springs inside the observer area. It is a matter of experimentation to eliminate the disturbing oscillations, as well as possible, by a suitably chosen location for it to be hung and the correct spring tension. I believe I myself have sufficient experience in this regard, because I have more than 30 scientific airplane ascents behind me. 2.) Privy Councilor Hergesell[1] (Aeronautical Observatory, Lindenberg, District of Beeskow[2] ) has a scientific flight station that in 1922 was located at Adlershof and was later moved to Staaken. I myself have often used this flight fa- cility, but in doing so experienced that the personal expenditures [return trips be- tween Berlin and Halle, additional expenses for lunch, accommodations] exceeded the direct expenditures [gasoline, mechanic hire].[3] I therefore propose to you that I carry out the experiment with an airplane here in Halle that until a short while ago belonged to the local university but is now owned by the city, and is available to the university in exchange for compensation for the fuel costs. I am convinced that the costs of the experiment will be less this way than if I were to conduct the test at Staaken near Berlin.
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