4 0 6 D O C . 4 3 0 I N S T . I N T E L L E C T U A L C O O P E R A T I O N 430. “The Institute of Intellectual Cooperation in Paris” [Einstein 1926z] Published 10 December 1926 In: Pressedienst der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund, 10 December 1926, n. p. Note to the editor: Since the founding of the League of Nations Institute of Intellectual Coopera- tion, the highly esteemed Professor A. Einstein has belonged to it as a clearly prom- inent member. He graciously delivered to us this excellent article about the organization and activity of the Paris institute.[1] The Institute of Intellectual Cooperation in Paris by Professor A. Einstein The efforts of the postwar period to restore the interrupted relationships which have found their most powerful advancement in the agencies of the League of Na- tions could not ignore the problems of the international organization of intellectual work. After the reconstruction measures, dedicated to the labor issue, hygiene, transit, obtained in Geneva under the sign of cooperation of all nations, it seemed necessary to also combine the area of the sciences, of literature, of fine arts, and of education from the perspective of goodwill among the nations into a new joint collaboration.[2] Immediately after the armistice, the first suggestions were submitted to the League of Nations to deal with tasks of this type. On 18 September 1920, the General Assembly of the League adopted a recommendation to the Council of the League of Nations that “it should, to the extent possible, turn its participation to the efforts for the international organization of intellectual work.”[3] From that moment forward, the General Secretary envisaged the creation of the new agency: a com- mittee of twelve, later fourteen, members for the study of the “international prob- lems of intellectual cooperation and education” began its work in 1922 under the chairmanship of the French philosopher Bergson.[4] This League of Nations Com- mittee on Intellectual Cooperation had the objective of studying all issues related to better organization of intellectual work through harmonious cooperation. After