2 3 8 D O C U M E N T S 2 2 8 , 2 2 9 228. To Kurt Blumenfeld Berlin, 20 March 1926 Dear Mr. Blumenfeld, Before I make my decision in the matter touched on in your letter,[1] I would like to have some information absolutely necessary for my conscience: an annual bal- ance sheet of the Zionist organization, indicating: 1. How much has been received in the individual countries? 2. How much of it was used outside Palestine? 3. How much in Palestine? 4. What is the breakdown of the money used in Palestine among administration, land acquisition, and other categories? You know how highly I value the educational virtues of Zionism. I know too lit- tle about it as a business to be able to support it with a clear conscience. Respectfully yours, 229. To Encyclopædia Britannica Berlin, 20 March 1926 Dear Sirs, I am satisfied that the translation is on the whole good.[1] I cannot judge the sub- tleties of expression, as my command of the English language is not adequate for that. To accurately determine this, the review should be undertaken by an English- language specialist. I note that it would be best to put the statements about “time”[2] directly after those concerning “space.” The article would thus begin on page 4 of your proof sheet. In the same regis- tered mailing, you will get back the article pages in proper order, as well as the handwritten English corrections. In the event that the English specialist should have concerns that go beyond language details, I will, of course, be quite happy to clear up the relevant passages by correspondence. Respectfully yours, Albert Einstein