D O C U M E N T 4 7 4 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 7 4 6 7 474. To Hans Albert Einstein [Berlin,] 5 February 1927 Dear Adn, I enjoyed your letter[1] very much, as never before with a letter from you. For I treasure kindness in a person more than anything else! This is what happened. In a letter, my wife[2] reproached Jakobi[3] for opening letters addressed to me without authorization (moreover, in this case, when he noticed his error, he didn’t have the courage to admit it, but, instead, made the letter disappear under a batch of letters). But no one has fired him. However, now he has taken offense and given notice him- self. Nothing more can be done. If I ask him to stay, he will consider himself indis- pensable and will be so impertinent in his foolishness that I can no longer endure it. So, I must let it run its course. I am again enclosing 20 M so you can get by better and not have to budget yourself so much.[4] I am curious how your job is going.[5] Write me about it soon and as clearly as possible. Amuse yourself a bit in the evenings and don’t sit around at home too much, so as to enjoy your freedom a bit. I’m not surprised that you like Ehrmann.[6] He is the most independent man I know here, a rather nice guy with clear vision in human matters, sober to the bone, but a good friend. I am thankful that you now are behav- ing so properly toward my wife.[7] Although she can sometimes get on one’s nerves and is no great intellect, she excels in kindheartedness. Now it will finally be pleas- ant for the first time when you are at my place. If you communicate to me your firm decision not to have any children with Knecht, I will sincerely resign myself to your decision concerning marriage, although I regret it for both of you.[8] No third- party has the right to interfere in that. One can only make available one’s own ex- perience and that of others if it is desired. Write me a little also about what you think of the people there. That interests me. For now, warm regards from your Papa