D O C U M E N T S 4 8 4 , 4 8 5 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 7 4 8 3 484. To Hans Albert Einstein [Berlin,] 23 February 1927 Dear Albert, It upsets me that you now want your woman to come.[1] She will never let you go and will drag you from one misery to another. If you find it so boring in Dort- mund, leave your job[2] there instead and come here. It will be interesting for you, and you will have a different outlook. It all results from the fact that she was the first to grab hold of you, and you now view her as the embodiment of all femininity. We all know how unworldly people succumb to fate. In any case, the following: Never send or bring Miss Knecht to me, for with the way things are, I simply could not tolerate it. However, secondly, if you ever feel the need to separate yourself from her, don’t let pride alienate you from me, but confide in me so I can help you. For that day will come. Consider whether you really want to stay in Dortmund, or whether I should look for something for you here. This would not be difficult for me and it would be much more interesting and stimulating than in Dortmund. If yes, does it have to be in iron construction, or could the field be extended farther? Where do you take your meals there? Are you in a boarding house? Take care that your stomach is not ruined this happens so frequently with young people who are not used to taking care of themselves.[3] Write again soon, your Papa 485. To Mileva Einstein-Mariü [Berlin,] 23 February 1927 Dear Mileva, I would have written you a long time ago if I weren’t so harried. I really enjoyed Albert during his visit here.[1] A great and good fellow. I tried very hard to dissuade him from his crazy marriage plan.[2] I even actually had the impression that he un- derstood it was an act of madness. But he is somehow too dependent, and now he writes me that he is going to have his woman come here toward summer.[3] So, it was all in vain. In business, he seems to be doing quite well, judging from his account.[4] If there were something that could still save him, it would be to trans- plant him here where he wouldn’t be left so much to himself. However, I don’t