D O C U M E N T 3 6 0 A U G U S T 1 9 2 6 3 5 7 by Anatole France. It includes the novella Crainquebille as well as some 10 other novellas.[8] The novella Crainquebille is one of the most beautiful novellas that I know. The other 10 novellas are for the most part trifles. I very much enjoy reading them. That is because of the fact that they are witty, clever, and infinitely excellent. They are… what’s the appropriate traditional expression? They are soap bubbles. (That’s the word.) Secondly, it is because the author wrote trifles for the purpose of writing trifles. Trifles get on one’s nerves only if they pretend to be something else. Thirdly, one always prefers to read mediocre works by a good author rather than good works by a mediocre author. That is a fact. What normal person would other- wise read Fanny’s First Play?[9] However, I do also have the opportunity to speak French. There is an aunt with us who speaks only French. She welcomed me with a torrent of French words. So I said: “You’re talking too fast for me. I don’t understand anything.” She became silent, bewildered. For the rest, I send you the usual best wishes and remain your Teddy P.S. One day, an individual appeared here carrying a copy of the theory of relativity and was looking for you. I handed him a piece of paper. He wrote on it in dainty letters: Hassler Whitney[10] Deutsche Bank, Munich.[11] 360. To Journalisten- & Schriftsteller-Verein Urheberschutz [Berlin, after 26 August 1926][1] Notwithstanding my sympathy toward your association, it is not possible for me to accept the election into its honorary committee.[2] I am not a writer and do not deem it right for people who cannot devote their energy to a cause to figure in a society merely on the strength of their known name. Respectfully, A. E.
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