D O C . 1 6 5 O N I N A U G U R AT I O N O F I I I C 1 8 5 165. Statement on the Inauguration of the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation[1] [Berlin or Paris, before 16 January 1926][2] In this year, for the first time, Europe’s leading statesmen have drawn the con- clusions from the knowledge that our continent ¢under the pressure² ¢is economi- cally viable only if it is merged into one common economic region² can thrive again only if the latent struggle of the traditional countries against one another ceases. Europe’s political organization must be consolidated, the elimination of inhibiting customs borders must gradually be sought.[3] ¢In order to achieve this great objective, it must be achievable² ¢enable² This great objective cannot be achieved through international treaties alone.[4] It also re- quires, above all, a preparation of minds. We must strive to gradually awaken a feeling of solidarity in the people that does not ¢limited to national borders², as until now, stop at the national borders. In ¢knowledge² consideration of this, the League of Nations established the Committee on Intellectual Cooperation.[5] This commit- tee ¢is to endeavor² is intended to be an absolutely international entity detached from any politics that is to ¢restore² produce ¢threads² connections between the na- tional cultural groups isolated by the war. It is a difficult ¢mission² task for it must unfortunately be said that—at least in the countries better known to me—the ¢intellectual workers in the field of learning² scholars & artists let themselves be guided much ¢less² more by narrow national tendencies than the ¢through pract² men of action. Until now, this committee has been meeting twice a year.[6] In order to organize its work more effectively, the French government decided to create and to support a permanently operating Institute of Intellectual Cooperation, which is now being launched at this time.[7] This is a generous act of the French state that merits the gratitude of all. It is an easy and rewarding activity to cheer and to praise ¢. However, honesty² and to remain silent about what one regrets or does not approve. However, the de- velopment of our ¢objectives² tasks is only fostered through honesty. Thus, I do not intend to shy away from combining this birthday greeting with a criticism.