4 1 2 D O C U M E N T 4 3 4 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 6 But the fact that science in and of itself has no immense value is demonstrated by the following consideration: One can well believe that science will succeed in bringing all phenomena in the world into relationship with one another. Would any- thing be gained by that? In some areas, such as astronomy, it would have no effect at all on anything. One would at most have to find a new field of activity. However, in other areas, it would cause very great harm. For example, in psychology. For, if everyone knows precisely according to what laws he is thinking and acting and knows what kind of abilities and traits he has and does not have, then life loses all appeal. I believe uncertainty is a necessary element for even an only reasonably pleasant life. The fact that scientific activity causes damage in that virtually only the brain in- stead of the whole body is put to intensive use is obvious. It can be seen purely em- pirically from the fact that people, since they have a particularly developed consciousness, are afflicted above all other animals by particularly dreadful illnesses, as well as from the fact that people who fill their time exclusively with intellectual work sire sickly, nervous, even sometimes completely dim-witted chil- dren. (E.G.: you, me.) It is clear that, after all that, I will also spend my entire life with intellectual work. I believe it is the only appropriate activity for an educated person.— I will stop at this point. I understand from your letter that it is very, very danger- ous to put into your hands observations that are not completely nailed down. Sending you best wishes, your Teddy Mama[4] likewise sends you best wishes. 434. To Eduard Einstein [Berlin,] 17 December 1926 Dear Tetel, Language, the written kind without associated grimaces, tones, and hand ges- tures, seems to be a poor instrument in the hand of an awkward person (e.g.: me). Otherwise, you would not have been able to conclude from my latest letter[1] that I was dissatisfied with yours.[2] On the contrary, I am repeatedly pleased like a baby with a bottle when a letter from you arrives because I see that you are mentally wrestling with the fundamental issues of life. In your latest letter, you were com- pletely right, that man must do what he wishes and must wish based on his consti- tution. And yet it has nothing to do with the swine-herd ideal: when one reflects in advance about what is desirable, one must not treat wishes as being equal in value,