2 5 2 D O C U M E N T S 2 4 2 , 2 4 3 A P R I L 1 9 2 6 3. (Heading see above.) Maybe I’ll inform you about this another time.— You ask me whether I’d like to meet Mrs. Curie and Mr. Langevin.[11] This is a paradoxical question. I can naturally only judge after I’ve met them whether it was beneficial to make their acquaintance. (I’m so much looking forward to the summer vacation!)[12] Best wishes, your Teddy [Poems, see the next page.][13] 242. To Mileva Einstein-Mariü [Berlin,] 3 April 1926 Dear Mileva, I’m sending you herewith a letter from Zangger, in which a mortgage on the house is mentioned.[1] But, other than that, it makes no sense to me, primarily be- cause I cannot decipher the letter. Write me again and tell me what’s the matter, so that I can advise you all. I’m concerned about Albert, since I am not hearing any- thing at all anymore. He seems to be running blindly into disaster, without our be- ing able to do anything.[2] I am writing to Zangger, also about Albert. In July I’m coming to spend the holidays with Tete.[3] Inquire about a place at a substantial altitude of at least 1500 m, where there is not a swell of tourists. I have to go back to Geneva for a couple of days, but I could take Tete with me.[4] When do Tete’s holidays begin and end? I would like to be with him as long as possible. I’m very much looking forward to it. First, I will come to see you in Zurich. The day after tomorrow in the evening I will be at Moszkowski’s with the mother of your friend.[5] Warm regards also to the boys from your Albert 243. To Heinrich Zangger [Berlin,] 3 April 1926 Dear Friend Zangger, Hopefully, you have recovered.[1] For, with your prodigious activity, the last thing you need is to bring your body to a halt. The Heisenberg method is keeping us physicists breathless.[2] It is a great idea the like of which none has seemed so to me before. As to whether there is any truth in it I have not yet been able to form