D O C U M E N T S 3 5 1 3 5 3 A U G U S T 1 9 2 6 3 4 9 351. To Kurt Singer[1] [Berlin,] 16 August 1926 Dear Sir, Unfortunately, in light of neither my sexual nor my musical abilities do I see my- self up to the task outlined in your friendly invitation.[2] Respectfully yours, A. Einstein[3] 352. To Beatrice Jahn Rusconi-Besso Berlin, 21 August 1926 Dear Bice, How much I would have liked to visit you from Geneva.[1] But your kind letter was forwarded to me to Montana when I was already about to leave with my son.[2] I am glad that you are keeping up contacts with Maja, who is leading a quite iso- lated life.[3] In my eternal whirlwind I imagine that to be quite nice but there can also be too much of that. I saw Michele in Bern and spent an unforgettable day with him and Anna in Bern.[4] We recalled the days when both of us were still young and fresh. Now he has had a hard blow again with his nephew, whom I had previ- ously seen there in excellent health.[5] I understand and grant Maja not wanting to be considered her brother’s sister.[6] Moses Mendelsohn’s son, the father of F. Men- delsohn-Bartholdy, had an even prettier lament: “Formerly I was always the son of my father, now I figure as the father of my son.”[7] Postponement doesn’t mean cancellation. If I can arrange it, I will visit you an- other time—by extrapolation of your kind invitation. Until then, best wishes to you, your, A. Einstein 353. To Arnold Sommerfeld Berlin, 21 August [1926][1] Dear Sommerfeld, I have just now found your letter,[2] as I have been away on vacation. Speaking the truth is sometimes hard, but it is necessary: I have nothing to say that would appear to me to be of sufficient import for the envisioned lectures. That is why I
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