3 3 0 D O C U M E N T S 3 1 9 , 3 2 0 J U L Y 1 9 2 6 This list makes no claim of completeness, but may suffice to substantiate my above-stated conviction. Consequently, I recommend that the Board of Governors put the management of the affairs in Jerusalem in different hands.[7] In any case, I feel obliged hereby to declare that I am unable to continue to occupy myself with the matters of the university so long as such a change is not made. Respectfully yours, P.S. This letter is to be treated as confidential so that it will cause no harm to the development of the university. 319. To Chaim Weizmann [Berlin,] 6 July 1926 Dear Mr. Weizmann, I am enclosing a letter that was meant to be forwarded to all members of the Board of Governors.[1] But Prof. O. Warburg,[2] whom I hold in very high esteem, visited me yesterday and I asked him about the university matters. He advocated very warmly for Magnes. Consequently, I am refraining from recommending Mr. Magnes’s dismissal from the Board of Governors.[3] However, on the other hand, I maintain that for me any cooperation with Mr. Magnes is impossible. I will, so long as Mr. Magnes directs affairs in Palestine, no longer actively occupy myself with the affairs of the university. Please communicate this and the content of the enclosed letter to the people at- tending the London meeting.[4] Kind regards, your A. Einstein 320. From Chaim Weizmann [London,] 9 July 1926 Dear Professor Einstein, I received your letter of the 6th inst.[1] last night and would like to reply without delay. You will understand that the content of your letter has greatly dismayed me and my colleagues, who discussed the situation with you in Berlin.[2] Only a few days ago we had a very earnest and thorough discussion within the circle of the Zionist Executive on the state of the university and arrived at the unanimous deci- sion that, whatever the cost, we must do our utmost to prevent your resignation.[3] I have already written a pretty strongly worded letter to Dr. Magnes in the last few days and intimated to him in fairly plain terms that we and the Board of Governors