1 8 8 D O C U M E N T 1 6 7 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 6 Now, the fact that the French government is creating and will maintain, with the resources of the French state, with a Frenchman as director, an institute in Paris in- tended to be the permanent organ of the committee, could create fears of a predom- inantly French influence on the core of the committee. This impression is increased by the other fact that, until now, the president of the committee itself is a French- man. Although the persons concerned all enjoy the high esteem of everyone and are very well liked, the impression remains nonetheless. Dixi et salvavi animam meam. I hope with all my heart that the new Institute will succeed, in permanent collaboration with the committee, in helping us to achieve the goal that we pursue together and in gaining the confidence and the respect of the intellectual workers of all countries. A. Einstein Member of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation 167. Notes for Toast at the Inauguration Banquet of the International Institute in Paris [Paris, 16 January 1926][1] and revives our hope for better times. For this, we are all obligated to thank you However, the same people have recognized that the work of consolidation can only succeed when the people of science and art are released from the spell of nar- row nationalism. They have created our committee[2] so it can restore, in ¢patient work² quiet striving, the unity of minds. We want to work patiently toward the great goal for the good of future generations ¢with full confidence² with the full awareness that the future of our civilization depends on the success of this striving. In gratitude toward the French nation that has given us, in the institute being opened today, an effective tool,[3] I ask you to raise your glass in a toast to the two men whose effectiveness first and foremost restores ¢a piece² our optimism today, and who, even in the days of the tragic past, always remained true to the collective ideal, Mr. Luchaire[4] and our champion, H. A. Lorentz.[5] [p. 70]