D O C U M E N T S 1 6 8 , 1 6 9 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 6 1 8 9 168. Aphorism [Paris, ca. 17 January 1926][1] We can all be happy that the past does not return however, for the philologists it would be an even greater catastrophe! 169. To Elsa Einstein Paris, 17 January 1926 Dear Else, Today is, thank goodness, the last day.[1] It was very wild and interesting.[2] The day before yesterday (Friday) evening at the philosopher Meyerson’s,[3] a marvel- ous old man. It was the best experience in Paris. Yesterday morning I had a fierce battle with the fascist minister of education that he will remember as long as he lives.[4] In the afternoon, inauguration of the institute with an excellent speech by Painlévé.[5] In the intervals between the many speeches, all of which were read, a sort of coffeehouse music, i.e., a very fine program and mediocre performance. In the evening, banquet, where I, as the only one other than Luchaire, had to speak![6] No mortal favored by his fellow men should, by any manner of suggestion, have attempted that with such poor language skills and so little rhetorical talent in such company! And I had nothing but an outline in German.[7] And finally, also discus- sion with Painlévé about establishing relations between German and French scholars.[8] Haber[9] is to be the German “impresario.” Which is, however, for the time being, absolutely secret. Still today, a session for the Hebrew University.[10] Lunch at Louis Dreyfus’s (Alice & Paul Koch are coming Ogden ¢appendix² rup- ture surgery,[11] reception at the university chancellor’s. Presentation by Eisler.[12] Visit at Langevin’s and quartet at Hadamard’s.[13] Tomorrow morning, departure with Schulze Gävernitz.[14] However, I am not at all worn out on the contrary, I’m having a good time. Best wishes on your birthday.[15] (Surprised?) Greetings to everyone, your Albert
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