3 8 6 D O C U M E N T S 4 0 6 , 4 0 7 N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 6 Are you aware that Besso is afraid he will no longer be selected since he is only finishing 50 patents per year instead of 200.[4] But everyone still asks for him. Can you do anything? See you soon! I am happy that you are looking forward to reliving old times with me.[5] You will show me the grand side of the character of Berlin, which somewhat makes up for the many rough aspects. Best wishes,[6] Zangger In Berlin in 8 days[7] 406. To the German League for the League of Nations [Berlin, between 6 November and 10 December 1926][1] To the G. League for the League of Nations: With reference to your request dated… I am sending you here an article that can be signed with my name.[2] I did not have the time to compose it myself but, in- stead, had it written by the press department of the Paris institute.[3] However, as I have reviewed its content and as it is not a literary matter but rather deals with pro- pagandistic activity, I believe that there is nothing wrong with the signing of the article by a person who did not write it. 407. To Eduard Bernstein[1] [Berlin,] 7 November 1926 Dear Mr. Bernstein, It is touching that you put so much effort merely to give me pleasure.[2] To find a second one as good as that, you’d have to equip yourself with a mighty Diogenes lantern. In substance the critic is right, insofar as he admonishes the others but it is unfair that he made an exception with me. For I also submitted a short article on space and time[3] that is far from only containing things that the ranking experts agree upon. In cordially thanking you again, your A. Einstein