5 2 2 D O C U M E N T S 5 2 4 M A Y 1 9 2 7 3) The response by the official to my informing him that the parallel room in the abutting apartment is being used as a living room was that it was of no interest to him. But I have a right to the same treatment as others. 4) I had the room renovated and a separate access to it built from the stairway in order to be able to attend to my studies outside of my apartment, where I was being disturbed far too much.[3] I have spent a substantial sum for this, which is consid- erable for a moderately paid civil servant (university professor). 5) The room is supposed to be used only by me personally, but not by others. Any eventual hygienic flaws in the room could only affect me personally. I know, though, that most people in Berlin have to work in much less convenient spaces. 6) As a reputable scholar and teacher at the university, I have moral claim to spe- cial consideration with regard to a petition concerning my study. Respectfully, A. E. Enclosure: building inspector’s injunction. 524. From Werner Heisenberg [Copenhagen,] 19 May 1927 Dear, esteemed Professor, Via the detour with Born and Jordan,[1] I learned that you wrote a paper in which you represent the same points as in the recent discussion, namely, that it is possible, after all, to know the paths of corpuscles more precisely than I would like.[2] Nat- urally, this does acutely interest me now, because I myself have been thinking so much about such questions and only believed in the indeterminacy relation after many pangs of conscience but now I am entirely convinced of it. Well, I do not know whether you would find it very immodest of me to ask you for any correction proofs of this paper. I am, of course, mostly interested in this: Are there any exper- iments that decide between the two conceptions? That is, are there cases in which you can accurately predict a result that, according to quantum mechanics, is only to be explained statistically? Furthermore: What is the situation with reflection off a grating? If I know that the particle hits a specific corner of the grating, how does it manage to be reflected optically? I would in fact like very much to become ac- quainted with your arguments therefore, please pardon my intrusive questions! With best regards, I am Yours gratefully and sincerely, Werner Heisenberg
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