3 4 4 D O C U M E N T S 3 4 4 , 3 4 5 A U G U S T 1 9 2 6 [Smoking is a disgusting business. Pardon this proof!] That would be the greatest triumph of rel[ativity] th[eory]. Best regards from yours sincerely, A. Sommerfeld 344. “Protest Against the White Terror in Poland” [Einstein et. al. 1926e] Published 6 August 1926 In: Sächsiche Arbeiter Zeitung, 6 August 1926, Beilage, n. p. “Upon[1] notice of the report by the Sejm [Lower House] Committee on the con- ditions in Polish prisons, the undersigned consider themselves compelled to join the publicly raised protests.[2] From the standpoint of general humanitarian reasons, we expect a stop to the abuses divulged by the parliamentary proceedings and full amnesty for political prisoners.”[3] 345. To Michele Besso [Montana Vermala,] Friday [6 August 1926] Dear Michele, I can well imagine that you cannot leave under these sad circumstances.[1] From your telegram, which arrived in rather bad shape, I think that’s what I must gather. We have decided to go directly to Zurich now since the weather continues to be uncertain.[2] In a best case scenario, we will still hike over the Furka Pass. We have abandoned Rawil.[3] But we don’t know yet. I will be staying in Zurich at least until the 14th. If you want to, we can still meet somewhere between Zurich and Bern, e.g., in Aarau or Burgdorf,[4] if you want to and are not otherwise coming to Zurich. In this case, write to me at Huttenstr. 62.[5]