2 4 6 D O C U M E N T S 2 3 7 , 2 3 8 M A R C H 1 9 2 6 237. To Elsa Einstein [Paris, 28 March 1926,] Sunday evening[1] Dear Else, It’s quite nice here this time, only I have accomplished nothing of what I had re- solved to do. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday morning were the usual boring meetings.[2] I have met Ms. Silberstein and openly told her that I do not approve her candidacy because there are already enough Jews there and the candidacy of a young woman for such a coveted position is totally inappropriate.[3] Saturday eve- ning I was at her uncle Reinach’s, a very brilliant and pleasant man.[4] Today, I looked at sculptures in the Louvre, Egyptian, Roman, and medieval, even modern, which made the least impression on me. In the museum I happened to run into Prof. Gong from Geneva.[5] For lunch, I was invited to Painlevé’s and in the afternoon by him and with him together in a salon, where a splendid cellist was playing (a Russian) partly from a modern Jewish composer.[6] A sentimental enthusiasm for Zionism is rampant here among the goyim, less so among the Jews (the composer’s name was Bloch I had to send him a greeting in America).[7] Painlevé is charming and friendly, the most good-natured minister of war there has ever been.[8] Tomor- row morning, Henriques, whom I know from Bologna,[9] is coming to see me, then, again, boring meetings, this time the Meteorological Committee.[10] Tuesday eve- ning I am irrevocably departing, will thus arrive Wednesday evening. This time was very pleasant. I always went to bed about 9 P.M., ate alone, and had a tranquil existence such as I have hardly ever had. In May, there is another meeting, but I can send a proxy.[11] Eisler must go, but I have taken steps for him to receive a Rocke- feller grant.[12] Poor fellow, significant as a thinker, but without any tact. But he will forge ahead. Best regards to all of you from your Albert 238. To Peter Bennett[1] [Berlin, ca. 31 March 1926][2] I sincerely thank you for the great honor that you have bestowed on me.[3] However, I can only have earned it by having ¢never written² refrained from
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