4 1 0 D O C U M E N T 4 3 2 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 6 that the intellectual leaders in France and Germany are beginning to employ their efforts in the service of the rapprochement that is so important for the two coun- tries. It is hard work and, for the moment, rather thankless, but truly worthy. Most respectfully yours, A. Einstein 432. To Heinrich Zangger [Berlin,] 11 December 1926 Dear Friend, You are very kind to still examine Rudy Kayser,[1] despite the many things that weigh on your shoulders. This is how I see the Besso[2] matter: Besso, whom I have of course known since my student days,[3] is one of the strongest, brightest minds and most sincere characters that I have met in my entire life. His knowledge in physics and technology is astounding, as is the self-sufficiency with which he grasps all of the material. His weak side is willpower. If someone in the office asks him a question, he explains the matter to him exhaustively, so that all the other per- son has to do is write it down however, if he himself has to do something, this last step leads to virtually insurmountable difficulties. Sometimes, it’s the effort to do complete justice to the matter sometimes, a lack of decisiveness. Thus it happens that this overly conscientious person, precisely because of his conscientiousness, gets too little done in his own name. I am, however, convinced that his labor is of more effective service to the office through his help to the others in difficult cases than that of an average engineer who takes care of the required quota of file num- bers. I am confident that, for example, his supervisor Oberlin[4] would gladly con- firm this, likewise his older colleague Sauter, who is also among the most learned employees of the office.[5] It would be very kind of you if you brought these argu- ments to prevail upon persons of authority. I myself cannot, despite the situation presented, bring myself to take an initiative because this could rightly be construed as immodesty. I would, however, consider myself fortunate if the opportunity were offered me upon request to intervene for the excellent man. With best wishes for the holidays and in the hope of spending another pleasant evening with you before then,[6] your A. Einstein