D O C U M E N T S 2 8 7 , 2 8 8 M A Y 1 9 2 6 3 0 5 anymore for over 1/2 a year. I’m afraid that he has fallen into a kind of servility to the girl, and my hopes are actually quite slim that the disaster can be staved off. Heisenberg, De Broglie, and Schrödinger have perhaps found a decisive ad- vance in the area of quantum theory.[2] What a pity that those things are so convo- luted and—in their mathematical implementation—are so very—formal. Boldness and generality in the methods, and yet no sense of salvation. I myself have not man- aged to do anything of notable good. The muses tend to grant their favor only to the young, and that’s good. I hope to see you in mid-July when I come to Zurich. Then I will go to the moun- tains with Tete.[3] Warm regards, your A. Einstein 287. Message for a National Conference on Jewish Education in New York[1] [Berlin, before 16 May 1926][2] The situation of the Jewish people makes it seem more necessary than ever to keep the Jewish community alive. To accomplish this goal, the most valuable means, in addition to the jointly undertaken settlement of Palestine, is the cultiva- tion of the Jewish intellectual tradition. In appreciation of this, I wholeheartedly wish ¢you² the endeavors of your organization continued success. A. E. 288. To Emil Rupp [Berlin,] 18 May 1926 Dear Mr. Rupp, I am glad to hear that one of your experiments is in agreement with the general theory.[1] The incompleteness of the minima in the experiment with the grating 0.1 mm can possibly be explained by a damping of the canal ray, wrong lighting, im- perfectness of the window etc. Have you ascertained that a parallel shift of the canal ray tube has no effect? It is in flagrant contradiction with theory that the experiments with the finer grat- ing did not show periodicity of the interference capacity with the difference in path length (unless the grating was not regular), since the theory fully takes diffraction