D O C . 1 8 7 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 6 2 0 5 188. From Moritz Schlick Vienna, IV. Prinz–Eugen-Str. 68, 1 February 1926 Dear Professor, Your article about Mach arrived safely,[1] and I wholeheartedly thank you for your kindness not only on my own behalf, but also on behalf of the monument committee, and as I can certainly add, on behalf of the numerous Mach admirers here, who will likewise be pleased both by your article and the erection of the mon- ument in general. It is, of course, totally all right that you happened to mention a few words of criticism and your lines seem to me, because of that, even better suited to honor the memory of Mach through an objective assessment than if, one- sidedly, only what is totally incontestable in his philosophy were stressed. Incidentally, the erection of the monument had to be postponed for technical rea- sons and will not take place for three to four weeks. I consequently regret that I pressured you a bit. I hope along with you that the Reichenbach matter will be settled in accordance with our wishes.[2] Philipp Frank from Prague was here a short time ago and told us that a special chair for natural philosophy is to be established in Prague in the foreseeable future.[3] He intends to propose Reichenbach first and Mr. Carnap, about whom I have already spoken to you, and who is currently completing his Ha- bilitation here, second. His Habilitation dissertation is truly quite an outstanding document and will very much please you as well when it appears in print.[4] You have no doubt already read Reichenbach’s latest paper on the causal structure of the world in the Bavarian Academy transactions.[5] I find it very perceptive in its execution but cannot agree with the assumptions.[6] I would be extraordinarily cu- rious to hear your opinion about it, but dare not ask you for a pronouncement since I know how busy you are. I am sorry that you are currently so overburdened I wholeheartedly hope that you can nevertheless devote the greater part of your time to the further develop- ment of relativity and quanta. With best wishes for your health and the well-being of your family, in grateful respect, your M. Schlick