4 4 2 D O C U M E N T 4 4 8 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 7 accomplishment was very meritorious. One should try to procure more favorable working conditions for him.[6] With best wishes, kind regards, your A. Einstein 448. To Mileva Einstein-Mariü [Berlin, after 10 January 1927][1] Dear Mileva, Today, I received your letter and I sympathize with you because you are endur- ing so much.[2] Not because of Tetel,[3] for he is already successfully over his flu give him my warm regards. But because of Albert,[4] who is making your life truly difficult. He is giving you the feeling that I am conspiring with him. But none of that is the case. One time I enclosed a letter to Albert with one to Tete,[5] in which I severely reproached him because he had broken his promise to accept advice from objective doctors.[6] The second time I wrote him a card and, in it, invited him to visit me here and to recover from the hard work of the exams.[7] I never told him that he should not concern himself with you, did absolutely nothing that could ¢direct² negatively impact his natural gratitude toward a truly good and sacrificing mother. Thus, I do not know what he is alluding to. I can only imagine that I once said he needed to get away and get to know the world, even if you were not in favor of that. Because that is necessary for a young man. But this is only a conjecture. The influence of the girl[8] is bad. For a while now, I haven’t known whether she will let him come here to me. If he doesn’t improve his behavior, you will hardly be able to keep him with you. Because it is better if people don’t dance around one another and make life mutually sour. If you want, and he doesn’t come here, I will write that to him. We have done all that was humanly possible. Since it has borne no fruit, we will have to completely separate ourselves from him so that you can get back a peaceful, harmonious life. You do have our Tete, who is a dear and sen- sible young fellow. When Albert has retracted his claws, and if we are still alive at that time, perhaps he will come back home, having become reasonable. For now, nothing can be done with him.— I don’t want any interest from you and also do not want you to rush to pay me back.[9] You can give some of it back to me from time to time when I come to Switzerland. You will gradually realize that there is hardly a more pleasant divorced man than I. I am in fact faithful, in a different sense than a young girl dreams, but nevertheless faithful.