D O C U M E N T S 3 9 9 , 4 0 1 N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 6 3 8 3 399. To Masakichi Suzuki[1] [Berlin, 2 November 1926] Dear Sir, Yesterday your sons[2] visited me and brought with them four violins crafted by you, of which I was allowed to choose one. I currently have two violins at home made by a local, very skilled violin maker,[3] and I am fond of them in general. We compared one of these violins to yours, thereby applying all precautionary mea- sures in order to exclude a biased effect. We took turns playing the violins the oth- ers, in an adjacent room, had to detect without looking which violin it was. Both your sons and myself were able to determine unobjectionably and with certainty the superiority of your instruments. By your generous gift you have brought me great pleasure, greater than has ever been bestowed on me by a stranger, or ever will be. Please accept my joyful thanks, and please be assured that I highly admire your craftsmanship. Respectfully and sincerely yours, A. Einstein 400. From Gilbert N. Lewis [Berkeley, California,] 3 November 1926 [See documentary edition for English text.] 401. From Heinrich Zangger [Berlin,] Zurich, Zürichbergstrasse 8, [after 3] November 1926[1] Dear Einstein, The first sentences on your card, where you say you are surprised and pleased, but also, at the same time, amazed about the accommodating attitude of various personalities toward me and that I, if I could have an effect in the overall scheme of things, must also do that, pleased me also, yet also frightened me because I am not familiar enough with how much the individual personalities and the individual positions can bear. You will have to advise me in advance whom I can trust. It is still not completely clear to me how I can make Besso’s job in Bern secure.[2] I asked Besso’s son[3] to write an explanation to me. He only stressed the personal aspects and not the resources and authorities. We will be able to take care
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