D O C U M E N T 4 4 2 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 7 4 2 3 equal to . At Halle’s geographic latitude, , one would then obtain an α of 5.92°. One can easily also fly at 40 m/sec for shorter periods and would then obtain an α of 7.88°. I hope to soon be able to detect this deviaton in an airplane, even though this is not going to be so easy because of the fluctuations of the magnetic needle in the airplane, which should amount to about ±2°, and because of the wind’s drifting force, which naturally also has to be taken into account. [As, with a west–east wind, in order to fly exactly in the north–south direction, the airplane pilot must displace the airplane axis—and hence also the compass dial attached to the airplane—away from the north–south direction.] From these figures it is very clearly apparent, though, why you in the train and the ship navigators on the ocean noticed nothing of this α: the north–south compo- nent of your motions surely did not reach 10 m/sec, and then α is merely equal to 1.97°. Your train measurement was certainly not that accurate, entirely disregard- ing the many iron masses in the train and the surroundings. And if hitherto a ship or aircraft never traveled exactly by the magnetic compass, that is because – – – it simply had been diverted by wind and water currents! Added to that, ships to America mainly travel in a west–east orientation and also mainly at low latitudes, where the causes another diminution of the deviation!— — The “ghost charge” itself can be quite simply obtained, by the way, by making a small alteration to the Maxwell-Lorentz equations. a.) Either one starts from the Mossotti-Zöllner-Lorentz assumption, that the at- traction between unlike charges is somewhat larger than the repulsion between like ones.[8] In the form that Gans 1905 and 1912 and Wacker 1909[9] presented this theory, one ultimately arrives at the result that a body is “uncharged” [i.e., that no forces act on it in a homogeneous electr. field] when in each of its volume elements there is somewhat more negative electricity than positive or conversely: if the number of positive charge carriers in every volume element of a body is equal to the number of negative ones, then this body possesses a positive excess charge [“ghost charge”!]. b.) If one (Schuster 1912)[10] changes this gravitation theory in such way that one sets the repulsion between two negative charges and the repulsion be- tween two positive ones , if the attraction between unlike ones = 1, the consequence is that a large mass attracts the two kinds of electricity unequally and volume charges [“ghost charges”!] appear in the interior of the sphere. The charge 30- 465 -------- 1 15 5 , ----------- -= ϕ 51 49 °, = 1 cosϕ ------------ 1 α –= 1 β) – ( =