3 4 2 D O C U M E N T 1 9 6 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 6 der ältlichen schlauen Jungfer gegangen.² Wenn er wenigstens nicht die jammer- vollen Sprösslinge bekommen müsste. Aber sie[7] wird schon dafür sorgen! Sei bestens gegrüsst von Deinem Albert. Im Sommer komme ich sicher und gehe mit Tete irgendwo in die Höhe (Engst- lenalp?)[8] ALSX. [75 648]. [1]Mileva had disapproved of Einstein cutting off ties with Hans Albert because of plans to marry Frieda Knecht (see Doc. 191). [2]To attend Einstein’s lecture at the IG Farben Plant (see Doc. 184). [3]Doc. 190. [4]For Mileva’s complaints about their difficult circumstances, see Doc. 191. [5]Mileva had purchased a house at Huttenstrasse 62 in Zurich in May 1924 (see Hans Albert Ein- stein to Einstein, 8 June 1924 [Vol. 14, Doc. 265]). Einstein’s attitude toward his family’s desire to purchase a house in Zurich changed over time. In the wake of winning the Nobel Prize in 1922, he urged them to do so from its proceeds. However, he had previously opposed their remaining in Swit- zerland, owing to the high cost of living, and had encouraged them to move to southern Germany (see Einstein to Hans Albert and Eduard Einstein, 17 December 1922 [Vol. 13, Doc. 400], and Einstein to Mileva Einstein-Mariü, 8 October 1921 [Vol. 12, Doc. 260]). [6]While deciding whether to enroll at the ETH, Hans Albert also considered studying at the Uni- versity of Munich (see Hans Albert Einstein to Einstein, after 24 June 1922 [Vol. 13, Doc. 246]). [7]An allusion to Frieda Knecht’s genetic heritage. [8]Engstlenalp is an Alpine pasture at a height of 1,834 m in the town of Innertkirchen in the canton of Bern. 196. To the World Union of Jewish Students Berlin, den 13. Februar 1926. Sehr geehrte Herren! Zu meinem grossen Bedauern muss ich Ihnen mitteilen, dass ich mein Ehrenamt als Schnorrer-König endgültig niedergelegt habe[1] Hochachtungsvoll TLC. [44 076]. The letter is addressed “An den Weltverband der Jüdischen Studentenschaft. Wien. 1. Bauernmarkt 24/32.” [1]For their request, see Abs. 304.