4 6 6 D O C U M E N T 4 7 3 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 7 that is an identity], and form ( = const. inter- sects the tube in a finite domain Ω). I get because on the sheath , which is independent of the filling. For it is the spatial flow of the vector density through the sheath, on which the fictitious field coincides with the ac- tual field. One likewise sees that it is independent of the coordinate system. The laws of motion are obtained in fundamentally the same way. This derivation clari- fies the reason why it is the “field-producing mass” defined as flux of gravitation which appears as inertial = gravitational mass. I believe that my derivation is as clean as one can make such things, and that it lets the conditions for the validity of the laws of motion emerge clearly. I still think that there is a true core to my old theory on “gravitation-electricity.” I had long since arrived at the view that the of my theory must be purely imag- inary I wanted to plug into the the ambiguity that corresponds to the connec- tion between these hypothetical quantities and experience.[8] In the new quantum theory, there now occur, exactly (with absolute potentials!), terms of the form , whose vanishings would imply , in the sense of a congruent transfer of the “length” ψ. It is just that the units are obviously entirely different: the role that I had assigned to the cosmological terms is assumed by matter.[9] We must wait and see what pact quantum mechanics will make with field theory. I my- self am now occupied completely elsewhere but the new quantum mechanics did grip me mightily anyhow. Where do you stand in the battle between Schrödinger’s very concrete-causal conception and the fundamentally statistical approach of Heisenberg, Born, and Pauli?[10] From the beginning, I was decisively inclined to- ward the latter, but had a hard time with this in Zurich. With kind regards and a handshake, your H. Weyl N.B. Should I send back the proofs? ∂xi ∂ σi 0= σ4d x1d x2dx3 Ω ³ e = x4 dx4 de 0= σi 0= f 41, f 42, f 43 ϕi 1– ∂xα ∂ψ iϕαψ + dψ 0=