3 6 6 D O C U M E N T 3 7 5 O C T O B E R 1 9 2 6 food! I am enclosing the pictures of my cactus garden [3] this is far from all of them, there would be at least one more picture like No. 1 but by the time I was finished with this one, my hands were so pricked and so full of needles that I had to stop. The picture 2) includes the American plants that form a completely pretty group. In the meantime, Albert was summoned once to Prof. Bleuler. I know nothing more about this interview as Albert said nothing at all.[4] Bleuler must have reported something to you. Would you perhaps tell me something about it? How- ever it went, nothing about the matter itself was changed by it it’s continuing com- pletely unchanged. I believe that in a certain respect, men are not completely sane when a cunning Eve beckons just right with the famous apple, all reason and thoughtfulness disappear and they fall prey. It has certainly happened to much greater minds what does one want from such a poor young man! I would like to ask you for something else: At the time of the last sale of securi- ties in New York, last fall I believe,[5] a minor shift occurred in that we, at that time, as I reported to you, received somewhat less interest however, as it seems, at the time of the purchase, something again remained, approximately 300 dollars. Lad- enburg considered this $300 as capital and kept it however, I desperately need it. Now with the rent change, we have greatly modernized our lowest apartment,[6] which was extremely necessary, whereupon we leased the apartment much better. I would like to ask you to write a few words to Ladenburg & Thalmann so they will send us this $300. This money will by no means be squandered, but will, instead, be used to improve the house when you take into account the fact that we were able to pay for all the major repairs, e.g., the roof, which came to about 7-8000 Fr. from income, you will admit that it is worth it and makes sense to have the thing, i.e., the house, well-maintained. So, will you be so good as to also sign the enclosed brief letter and send it back to me, because I still have to send others. May I also remind you of my requests from the last time: Address of Béla Kuhn,[7] or even write him a few words since he would be more likely to respond to you, and possibly also the address of Biske.[8] — I am also pleased with the cac- tus, but it’s only secondary in importance since it is a fortune.— Tedi[9] will write to you next week he’s on holiday then. Albert is immersed in the final exams[10] that started last week, and he’s working hard, but I think he doesn’t actually find it difficult. The elder Prof. Zürcher has just died.[11] He was a real Gottfried Keller character,[12] a very distinguished authority in his field. Do you want to send con- dolences to Zürcher? We send warm wishes to the three of you, Mileva