1 5 0 D O C U M E N T 1 2 7 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 5 into a German city with much less risk, if he only goes to the mountains for a short time in the summer that is my greatest satisfaction, that I have been able to give medical advice to many worthy people such that they—contrary to the general fear—have, for an astonishingly long time, retained the capacity to work under the living conditions that I suggested. Huguenin prized that the most in me & I, in fact, learned a great deal of it from him.[8] It still pleases me how much you liked Huguenin.[9] If Nietzsche had stayed with him, ¢the matter would² his fate would have certainly been different. Huguenin had the right instinct, the right hunch. Nietzsche Overbeck letters only a hint.[10] The day before yesterday, your Teddy[11] was here with us. He’s flourishing. My optimism thus proved right, but only because it was possible to consistently take such good care of him. How beautifully the boy plays Beethoven, how he pulls you into the experience & at the same time he is cheerful & modestly working to improve himself. Einstein, you have been truly lucky after all, despite everything. I also cannot complain impulsive optimism continually drives me into a lively fine life with responsibilities. So, write soon and tell me what I should, in your opinion, attempt with Albert through clarification, etc. Then, happy holidays, Zangger